Hi Roy,
I am not that often on the board (ben sent an email that you called me). I started my own business last april and have a lot of work - I don´t even have the time to drive the Z
. I am travelling around in Germania, USA (esp. Redford) and Brasil.
Last week I testdrove a Mustang GT and a Nissan 350Z - I need a new dailycar. But paying 45000€ for a 25k $ mustang is out of every rational decission - and it is not that "power house" as the Z is (the gap in the cubicinches counts more than the same hp on the papers). The Nissan is nice but too heavy for the 3,5 litre engine. I looked also for BMW, Mercedes, Chrysler, Jeep and so on ... I can´t find a daily car that have a lil´of an emotional aspekt besides the mustang.
Ben sent the schedule for hockenheim. It depends on the weather if I can come with the Z - but will also look in with my ol´ lady the opel when I have the time.
CU roy and a happy new year to all FBE members.